Should I Practice Online Yoga or In the Studio? The Pros and Cons of Each

online vs in person yoga

Let’s be real, The Pandemic really changed the game when it comes to online yoga, online fitness, and basically the online world altogether. 

It’s not like there WASN’T online yoga before (hello, we all know Yoga With Adriene, am I right?!), it just wasn’t the same scope that we have today. 

For better, or for worse. 

Pros of Practicing Yoga Online:

There’s so many reasons to switch up your practice from the studio to online yoga! A few of my favorite being:


Typically yoga online is cheaper than drop in studio rates. Significantly so. Take my app for instance. You get a FREE 7 days trial. And then the monthly fee is $14.99/month. Or $9.99/month if you sign up for the annual membership. 

Most studios have a drop in rate of at LEAST $20 (or more), so considering you get a whole MONTH of yoga for less than that is quite the steal. 

Access to Renowned Teachers

This is huge especially for those living in areas that don’t have a ton of yoga teachers (or none at all). This is MOST places other than larger cities, so it’s likely that this would serve YOU. 

Many world class yoga teachers have online content, from apps, to Youtube, to Instagram- so why not take advantage of their teachings if they won’t travel to a place near you?

Comfort of Your Own Home

This also falls in the “cheaper” category, because now you don’t have to pay for commuting to the studio, nor for parking. YOU get to commute from your room to your living room. Not bad. 

Replay Available 

One of the great things about practicing online is that you can pause, replay, and sometimes even ZOOM in on exactly what the teacher is doing. This can be really helpful when you’re learning something new, or refining something familiar. 

Less Self Conscious

Yoga can be a very vulnerable experience! Not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally, as well. Being at home can feel very safe to explore the depth of the practice, without worry about how you look to others. 

Cons of Practicing Yoga Online:

As with all things, there’s going to be a good and bad side to practicing yoga online. The cons aren’t necessarily deal-breakers, but they are something to consider before diving in. 

Less Individually Focused Teaching

When a teacher is teaching live, in-person they’re able to cater their cues and sequencing to the bodies that are there in front of them. If a teacher is offering pre-recorded content, they (obviously) are not. 

Hands On Assists

Learning Bad Habits

Because the teacher can’t see YOU, this means you might form “bad habits.” This can vary quite a bit. One end of the spectrum being risk of injury, due to incorrect alignment. The other end of the spectrum simply being that you don’t feel anything at all, and aren’t reaping the benefits you’re meant to from that specific shape. 

No Hands-On Assists

I know hands on assists are somewhat controversial nowadays, and let me start off by saying they should ABSOLUTELY always be done with CONSENT first. Assuming you are open to receiving hands-on assists in a class, this is obviously something you won’t have access to through a screen.

If you are NOT open to receiving touch, then this might actually make you feel safer- which is a pro instead of a con!

Less Community

One of the great things about practicing in a studio is the sense of community that comes along with it. Sometimes being in other people’s energy is also quite motivating, as well. 

More Distractions 

Yes, the comfort of your own home IS a pro. However, this can also be a con, because we tend to have a lot of distractions at home! Whether your baby is crawling around, or your dog is pawing at you while you try to meditate. Or just being on our screens to access the class at all can serve as a huge distraction. It’s important to have clear boundaries when you’re practicing at home, so that you can maintain your space and calmness. 

Is Practicing Yoga Online Better Than Practicing Yoga in a Studio?

So, which one to choose?! 

After reading through the big pros and cons, you might be able to come to an easy answer for you. Or, maybe you’re like me, and you think a blend of BOTH is the way to go. 

I’m not really an all or nothing girlie, so most things I do tend to be a fusion. And the way I practice yoga is the same. 

I love being in the comfort of my home, AND I love being in community. 

I love hands on assists, AND I cherish privacy. 

The best advice I can give you is to check in with your energy before deciding how and where to practice. This will likely ebb and flow on a day-to-day, or week-to-week basis. 

You know what’s best for you. 

Trust that. 




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